25 Nisan 2012 Çarşamba


I. Pre-writing Activity
Look at the pictures and quess the meaning of prepositions.

II. Writing Activities
A- Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions.
1- The clock is ...... the wall.
2- The ball is ........ the table.
3- The cat is ......... the armchair.
4- The table is ....... the armchair.
5- The carpet is ....... the floor.
6- The lamp is ....... the table.
7- The flowers are ..... the vase.
8- The table is .......... the chair and the armchair.

B- Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1- Where is the cat?
2- Where is the ball?
3- Where is the dog?
4- Where is the armchair?
5- Where is the book?

C- Where is he? Discuss your ideas on blog.

12 Nisan 2012 Perşembe

Hobbies and interests

Drawing pictures


Playing chess


Playing video games

Playing football

Riding bicycle

I. Pre-speaking Activities
   Look at the text and find out Steve's free time activities.
 Steve's Free Time Activities
          Hello. My name is Steve. Today is Saturday and I am very happy. I like doing a lot of activities at weekends. I like riding a bicycle, playing football and swimming on sunny days. I like reading books and playing computer games on rainy days. But I don't like shopping and doing jigsaw puzzles with my father on Sunday afternoons. These are my free time activities.

II. Speaking Activities
  1.Talk about your free time activities via pictures on voicethread.
  2. Make comment your friends' likes and dislikes on voicethread.